How do I activate the «Accounto» app integration?

The Accounto app integration can be activated as follows:

Log in to your Accounto account or instruct your trustee to do so. Go to the «Data flows» menu and select «PEAX integration».App Integrationen Task Manager Helpcenter accounto activation ui - DE1

Enter the PEAX-ID of your business account and click «Activate».App Integrationen Task Manager Helpcenter accounto activation ui - DE2

If the link in Accounto was successful, the status changes to «Pending». Now log in to your PEAX business account and confirm the activation.App Integrationen Task Manager Helpcenter accounto activation ui - DE3

The activation task now appears in the PEAX Cockpit. Proceed as follows:App Integrationen Task Manager Helpcenter-1

  1. Define the date from which documents should be transferred from your PEAX account to Accounto for the first time.

  2. Click Activate to initiate the document transfer by start date. The start date cannot be changed at a later date.

  3. Congratulations! You have successfully linked your PEAX account to your Accounto account. You can find all detailed information on Accounto-integration under the menu item Settings > App integrations. Click Edit for the «Accounto» app integration to access the detailed view.

The status in Accounto now also changes to «Active».

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